As I began.
I've always liked sports, football, athletics, tennis and cycling, I was fascinated,
I start to ride a road bike with mtb and then start competing races of people, then in other provinces, hit the jump to compete nationally without disabilities.
The accident.
Like almost everyone you know, worked in the quarries of scaffold shotfirer.
I had a drop of 7 meters in height which suffer a permanent injury:
Head trauma, brain edema, rupture of the left parietal. Rupture of the iliac crest, four broken ribs, myocardial contusion, liver contusion, rupture of the spleen and mild cerebral palsy.
Recovery is a very long year and a half, the world is very short but it makes it short when you see all or almost all of what little wisdom falls to low, can not read, write, walk, you forget everything you learn, this was worse when it happens.
I start my recovery, attending a speech about me that 9 months, exercise, reading, writing and others.
I can categorically say now than when I leave school, imagine the time it had lost bodies.
I begin to study English (I am still very bad) my idol Leonardo da Vinci, geography and history and a physical trainer course, and above all read enough to start riding a bicycle.
Back to the bike People start out with Miguel, Balta and his companions they were even better than I, the average speed was low, but it cost me, especially the bottom section of 100kn, I was weighed down by that desfondado (which is hard for this bike), but again leave her.
I am beginning to take more seriously with my coaches E. Chozas, J. Luis Pascua, J. Antonio Marroyo and current Emilio Gonzalez. People like me clothes Pablo Lastras, Julián Adrada and fellow training as Marcos García, Ángel Sánchez, José Miguel bunch many more companions.
In 2005 an important year suffered two accidents, one in competition and training, I hit a car and I have to operate in the left collarbone.
People become against you: - If you're crazy to stop the bike (and I ask myself, and now that) and do not let you know, (the bike course).
I still train at home with the broken collarbone recently operated on a roll (Whirr) was the championship of Spain and possibly Europe. Villarrobledo to me, with much fear and win the first championship of Spain after a call from my coach (Cesar, I participate in the European Championship in Holland, Akmaar, take advantage. (See if I took it).
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